No primeiro dia foi visto por Laura Burani (Noruega), que o descreveu como um gato muito promissor. Venceu o irmão na batalha pelo Exc.1 e foi nomeado para Best in Show, onde encontrou a irmã Bonnie. E foi ela quem recolheu a preferência dos votos finais :-).
No segundo dia, a francesa Françoise Millcent preferiu Bruce a Barry pelo peso, depois de ter visto ponto por ponto no livro de pontuações da FIFe. Ficou tudo em família. Bruce seria Best in Show horas depois, desta vez sem a presença de Bonnie, que já fora eliminada pelo caminho.
Barry reencontrou os irmãos e o seu criador Miguel, do gatil Vestvegr (na foto). Obrigado, Miguel, por nos confiares este amigo.
Barry did very well in Trancoso. We heard a lot of good things about him from the judges and he had a tough competition, mainly from his brother Bruce and his sister Bonnie. :-)
Laura Burani (Norway) saw him in the first day and describe him as very promising cat. beating Bruce for the Exc. 1. He was also nominated to Best in Show and then he faced his sister Bonnie, who had the preference from the judges :-).
In the second day, Barry was Exc. 2 and Bruce Exc.1, winning hours after the Best in Show :-). The french judge Françoise Millcent preferred Bruce's weight after checking point by point in FIFe's book.
Barry saw again his brothers and his breeder Miguel, from Vestvegr cattery (photo). Thanks Miguel for trusting us this friend.
(by Luís)
Barry reencontrou os irmãos e o seu criador Miguel, do gatil Vestvegr (na foto). Obrigado, Miguel, por nos confiares este amigo.
Barry did very well in Trancoso. We heard a lot of good things about him from the judges and he had a tough competition, mainly from his brother Bruce and his sister Bonnie. :-)
Laura Burani (Norway) saw him in the first day and describe him as very promising cat. beating Bruce for the Exc. 1. He was also nominated to Best in Show and then he faced his sister Bonnie, who had the preference from the judges :-).
In the second day, Barry was Exc. 2 and Bruce Exc.1, winning hours after the Best in Show :-). The french judge Françoise Millcent preferred Bruce's weight after checking point by point in FIFe's book.
Barry saw again his brothers and his breeder Miguel, from Vestvegr cattery (photo). Thanks Miguel for trusting us this friend.
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