(Jack Sparrow's photo album)

(Jinji's photo album)
(Jahangir's photo album)

A ninhada J Shadow Eyes nasceu há precisamente uma semana, no dia 5. O Barry White e a Babooshka estão de parabéns pelos gatinhos lindos que nasceram, mas também temos de felicitar (o que em linguagem de gato é muitas festas e brincadeira) os avós Brynjolf e Indra.
Nasceram cinco gatinhos, três machos (Jahangir, Jivago e Jack Sparrow) e duas fêmeas (Jaffa e Jinji) todos tabbies pretos. Um dos machos tem um pouco de branco, bem com as duas meninas.
Aqui ficam as primeiras fotos :-).
Shadow Eyes J Litter is now one week old, after being born the 5th of July. Barry White and Babooshka are the proud parents of this new and beautiful litter. The two of them and Baboo's parents must be congratulated as well: the grandfather Brynfolf and grandmother Indra.
Five kittens are born, three males (Jahangir, Jivago and Jack Sparrow) and two females (Jaffa and Jinji), all black tabbies. One male has some white, like the two females.
Here are the first photos :-).
Five kittens are born, three males (Jahangir, Jivago and Jack Sparrow) and two females (Jaffa and Jinji), all black tabbies. One male has some white, like the two females.
Here are the first photos :-).
(by Luís)
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