segunda-feira, julho 30, 2007
sábado, julho 28, 2007
Parabéns, Gijas/Happy Birthday, Gioconda

A Gioconda festeja hoje, dia 28, o seu primeiro aniversário. Estamos muito contentes por tê-la connosco porque além de ser muito bonita e carinhosa, é muito, muito especial. Muitos humanos deveriam ter os traços da sua personalidade forte: é uma lutadora, sempre leal e bem-disposta, e a mais terna das gatas, com felinos e os outros. Por fazer parte das nossas vidas, agradecemos-lhe primeiro a ela e depois a quem permitiu que isso acontecesse. Ela sabe quem é. Parabéns, Gijas!!!!!
Gioconda celebrates her first anniversary today. We are very happy to have her with us, because besides being beautiful and tender is a very very special. Most of the humans should have her personality: she is a fighter, always loyal and happy, and the tenderest of cats with other felines and with all the rest. We thank her first for making part of our lifes and after the person who made that possible. She knows who she is. Happy Birthday, Gioconda!!!!!
(by Luís)
sexta-feira, julho 27, 2007
NInhada A (19 dias)/ Litter A (day 19)
segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007
sábado, julho 21, 2007
Brynjolf (babies' father)

Enquanto a Indra toma conta dos bebés, o pai Bryn está num momento de relaxamento... ainda que com o melgas do Mouro por perto. :-) Será que os bebés vão ser tão grandes como o pai?
While Indra is taking care of the babies, Bryn (the father) is enjoying a relaxing moment... even when the naughty Mouro is near. :-) I wonder if the babies are going to be so big as Bryn.
(by Ana)
quinta-feira, julho 19, 2007
Shadow Eyes Ash

Ash loves to eat and in the last hours has passed the males in the «gaining weight championship». I love her expression, that distant look that reinforces her feminility and the calm she uses to do everything. She is always with strange tranquility in the middle of the giant humans that always appear in the lunch hour. And she loves to purr.
(by Luís)
Shadow Eyes Adad

(significado do nome no nosso site)
Adad is at day nine a peaceful and sensible kitten, who starts to cry as loud as he can when he doesn't see her mother around. Unfortunely, pictures are unable to transmit his gentil expression and the intense black of his fur. Who already tried to photograph a black picture knows what I'm talking about... even when they stand still.
(name meaning in our website)
(by Luís)
quarta-feira, julho 18, 2007
Shadow Eyes Ashanti

He is a very tender kitten and loves that someone caresses his tummy. He immediatly puts her tummy to sky hoping that someones makes his wish. Phisically mantains a excellent profile and a good body structure. He has been fighting with Angkor for the title of heaviest in the litter.
(by Luís)
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