Quem diria que este gatão tem tão bom coração? De facto o Bryn é um animal muito especial e muito sensível. Desde que veio cá para casa o Bryn tem estado sempre alerta em relação aos nossos filhotes. Quando algum chorava aí vinha o Bryn espreitar. Hoje o nosso «monstrinho» (6,800 Kg de forte musculatura e ossos e apenas 1 ano e meio) continua a fazer o mesmo com os gatinhos mais pequenos.
Como o Bryn tem vindo a descobrir que ser gato (macho) é mais do que só comer, dormir e brincar acabamos por o manter mais separado das meninas. O nosso veterinário não aconselha a pílula por estar ligada a problema uterinos. Assim, há que recorrer a outros meios para evitar a gravidez das princesas. E como não gosta de estar só tem a companhia do Mouro e das duas meninas mais novas, Irony e Iwo. Cá em casa é agora tratado como o «tio Bryn». Rendeu-se às pestinhas e atura-lhes todas as brincadeiras e atrevimentos. E eles adoram-no. Dormem aninhados na sua barriga e atiram-se a ele e à sua cauda na brincadeira. O Mouro, inclusive, por vezes acha que o Bryn é a mãe e tenta mamar na barrigota do tio. :-)
Mais uma vez o Brynão surpreendeu-nos e mostrou-nos o quanto tolerante e meigo é. E como lhe queremos retribuir todo o carinho que merece uma parte do dia é ele que fica junto de nós, alternando com as meninas que estão, frequentemente, em cio. Quem disse que Fevereiro era o mês dos gatos?
How would someone tell that this big cat has such a lovely heart? In fact, Bryn is a very special and sweet animal. Since he came to our house he has been on permanent attention towards our children. If some of them hurt or cry Bryn come right away to see what had happened. Now this hugh cat (6,800 kg of a strong body) does the same with the kittens.
Bryn is awakening to other things than just sleep, eat and play. As our vet is against pills because of the damages that might cause in females wombs, we have to keep him separated from them. This is the only way to avoid the princesses’ pregnancy. As Bryn doesn’t like to be alone he has now the company of Mouro and the two little kitten females, Irony and Iwo. Now we call him «uncle Bryn». He has surrender to the three little monsters and let them do all the plays and naughty things. They just adore him. Sleep on his belly, play with his tail and climb to his back. Mouro even see him as his mother and sometimes he search for nipples in Bryn’s belly. :-)
Once more Bryn has surprised us and continues to show how tolerant, tender and sweet he is. As we want to give him all the attention he gives us and deserve he stays with us a part of the day. The other part is for the girls, who are often on heat. Who said that February is the month of the cats?
(by Ana)
How would someone tell that this big cat has such a lovely heart? In fact, Bryn is a very special and sweet animal. Since he came to our house he has been on permanent attention towards our children. If some of them hurt or cry Bryn come right away to see what had happened. Now this hugh cat (6,800 kg of a strong body) does the same with the kittens.
Bryn is awakening to other things than just sleep, eat and play. As our vet is against pills because of the damages that might cause in females wombs, we have to keep him separated from them. This is the only way to avoid the princesses’ pregnancy. As Bryn doesn’t like to be alone he has now the company of Mouro and the two little kitten females, Irony and Iwo. Now we call him «uncle Bryn». He has surrender to the three little monsters and let them do all the plays and naughty things. They just adore him. Sleep on his belly, play with his tail and climb to his back. Mouro even see him as his mother and sometimes he search for nipples in Bryn’s belly. :-)
Once more Bryn has surprised us and continues to show how tolerant, tender and sweet he is. As we want to give him all the attention he gives us and deserve he stays with us a part of the day. The other part is for the girls, who are often on heat. Who said that February is the month of the cats?
(by Ana)
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