Temos o prazer de anunciar o nascimento, no domingo passado, de mais cinco gatinhos Shadow Eyes, dos pais Brynjolf e Indra. Três machos e duas fêmeas compõem então a nossa ninhada G.
Machos - Guajira (Preto tabby com Branco), Greensleeves (Preto tabby com Branco) e Ghuri (Vermelho Tabby);
Fêmeas - Guam (Tartaruga Preta com Branco) e Guantanamera (Tartaruga Preta Tabby com Branco).
As fotos serão publicadas nas próximas horas aqui no blog e no nosso site, bem como a explicação dos nomes ;-)
We are proud to announce the birth, last Sunday, of five more Shadow Eyes kittens. Brynjolf and Indra are the parents of our G Litter.
Males - Guajira (Black tabby com White), Greensleeves (Black tabby with White) e Ghuri (Red tabby);
Fêmeas - Guam (Black Tortie with White) e Guantanamera (Black Tortie tabby with White).
The photos will be published in the nezt hours here in the blog and in our site, as well the names' meaning ;-).
Fêmeas - Guam (Black Tortie with White) e Guantanamera (Black Tortie tabby with White).
The photos will be published in the nezt hours here in the blog and in our site, as well the names' meaning ;-).
(by Luís)
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