Estamos orgulhosos com a Irony e a Guyane, que desde sábado são Campeãs Internacionais. A nossa linda tartaruga silver, apesar de estar longe do topo da forma, arrecadou ainda o prémio de Melhor da Variedade, num grupo bastante concorrido. O Fontemouro continua a sua inabalável caminhada, somando certificados atrás de certificados, agora com os dois primeiros CAGCIB (Certificado de Aptidão a Grande Campeão Internacional) de oito ou seis, dependendo se forem conquistados respectivamente em dois ou três países.
Pessoalmente, a vila e as gentes de Trancoso agradaram-me muito, a exposição nem por isso. Foram poucos os gatos concorrentes e três os juízes convidados, com uma a só poder avaliar pêlos curtos, outra a ficar-se pelos semi-longos e longos, e apenas o terceiro a poder avaliar todos os gatos. E depois, apesar de nós sabermos que nunca há uma opinião igual, as «sentenças» foram demasiado díspares. Um exemplo: as vezes que se recorreu ao papelinho para sortear o vencedor...
We are very proud with Irony and Guyane, who are now International Champions. Our lovely silver tortie, still far from her top form, has obtained also the Best in Variety title, in a very competitive group. Fontemouro continues his firm walk towards sucess, adding certificates to his curriculum. In Trancoso he got two first CAGCIB.
Personally, I've fancied a lot with the village and the people, but not with the expo. There were few contestants and three invited judges. One of them only judged short hair, another long and semi-long and only a third could see all cats. Then, the opinions were very, very different (we know we don't get two equal opinions). An example: the winners were often determined by draw...
Sábado, 16 - Exc. 1 CAGCIB
Domingo, 17 - Exc. 1 CAGCIB
Sábado, 16 - Exc. 1 CACIB = CAMPEÃ INTERNACIONAL & Melhor da Variedade (BIV)
Domingo, 17 - não se apresentou
Domingo, 17 - não se apresentou
We are very proud with Irony and Guyane, who are now International Champions. Our lovely silver tortie, still far from her top form, has obtained also the Best in Variety title, in a very competitive group. Fontemouro continues his firm walk towards sucess, adding certificates to his curriculum. In Trancoso he got two first CAGCIB.
Personally, I've fancied a lot with the village and the people, but not with the expo. There were few contestants and three invited judges. One of them only judged short hair, another long and semi-long and only a third could see all cats. Then, the opinions were very, very different (we know we don't get two equal opinions). An example: the winners were often determined by draw...
Sábado, 16 - Exc. 1 CAGCIB
Domingo, 17 - Exc. 1 CAGCIB
Sábado, 16 - Exc. 1 CACIB = CAMPEÃ INTERNACIONAL & Melhor da Variedade (BIV)
Domingo, 17 - não se apresentou
Domingo, 17 - não se apresentou
(by Luís)
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