A Noa, filha da Ash e do Barry, está a viver em Arcos de Valdevez, com a Ângela e o Michaël. Ontem recebemos muitas fotos desta gatinha, tão especial. Muito obrigada aos dois pelas novidades e pelo carinho que dispensam à Noa. Aqui ficam algumas fotos.
Noa, Ash and Barry kitten, is living in Arcos de Valdevez, with Ângela and Michaël. Yesterday we received many photos of this special lady. Thank you for the news of her and for all the love you give to Noa. Here are some photos.
Noa, Ash and Barry kitten, is living in Arcos de Valdevez, with Ângela and Michaël. Yesterday we received many photos of this special lady. Thank you for the news of her and for all the love you give to Noa. Here are some photos.
(by Ana)
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