O nosso novo macho tem uma cor fantástica e era um sonho da Ana ter um gatinho assim a médio/longo prazo, pelo seu ar selvagem. Por isso, decidimos antecipar os nossos planos. Estamos muito satisfeitos com a nossa decisão. E temos também de agradecer à Edith e ao Carlos toda a confiança que tiveram em nós.
MOURO esteve também muito bem na exposição de Colmenar Viejo: Exc 1 3-6 meses Grupo III + Nomeação para Best in Show no sábado; Exc 1 3-6 meses Grupo III + Nomeação para Best in Show no domingo.
It is true... this lovely black tabby blotched kitten is ours since yesterday. We were waiting for Edith and Carlos' coming back from Sweden and for new litters. We got the chance of being the first ones to choose a kitten. This litter is a very homogenic one in terms of quality and very rich in colours so we had some difficulties to choose. Only yesterday we decided for MOURO...
This kitten has a lovely deep black colour. It was one of Ana's dreams to have a cat like this in the future, because of his wild look. So, we decided to antecipate our plans. We are very happy with Fontemouro. We have to thank Edith and Carlos for all their trust in us.
Mouro did also great in Colmenar Viejo Show: Exc 1 3-6 months Group III + BIS nomination on Sunday; Exc 1 3-6 months Group III + BIS Nomination on Sunday.
(by Luís)