sexta-feira, abril 13, 2007

Bebés lindos / Beautiful babies

A nossa amiga Saskia, do gatil Sareks, na Alemanha, teve gatinhos. São dois gatinhos (um preto e branco e outro azul tabby blotched) e três meninas (uma preta e branca, uma preta tabby mackerel e outra tartaruga azul com branco). Os pequenitos são filhos da linda Dorothy vom Haselgraben e do espectacular La Forêt's Ocean Blue. Saiba mais aqui.

Our friend Saskia, from Sareks' cattery, in Germany, have kittens - two males (one black and white and other blue tabby blotched) and three females (one black and white, other black tabby mackerek and the last one a blue tortie and white). The proud parents are the lovely Dorothy vom Haselgraben and the spectacular La Forêt's Ocean Blue. You can know more here.

(by Ana)

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